Green apple is a hybrid fruit, a cross between Malus slyvesterus and Malus domesticus of apples. It is a native fruit to Australia.
Green apple is rich in flavonoids, Vitamin C, malic acid and other antioxidant-rich nutrients. The most well-studied group of phytochemicals in apples are the phenolic compounds, consisting of flavonoids and phenolic acids.
Green apple is traditionally used to support detox, bone health as well as a tonic for the brain and liver. Green apple is also beneficial in boosting immunity, digestive health, heart and brain health.
Health Benefits:
1. Skin Health
Research shows supplementation with Green Apple rind extracts is effective in increasing Type I collagen synthesis. This is due to its ability of improving the facial pores size and maintaining the cell wall strength of the facial pores.
Table 1: The effect of Green apple rind extract on Type I collagen synthesis in Human Keratinocyte (skin) cells
2. Dental Health
Phytosterols, one of the key active compounds in green apples, has good therapeutic effects on wound healing, improve circulation and promote muscle cell growth. This is beneficial for the treatment of dental issues such as periodontitis and oral cavity ulcers
3. Cancer Prevention
Green apples contain pectin, which has good antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Apple pectin has proven effectiveness in preventing liver, colon and breast cancer.
Food and beverage as well as Health Supplement
Son et al. 2013, “5-α reductase inhibitory effect and astringent activity of Green apple rind extract on Human Keratinocytes and Fibroblast cells”, Bioscience Biotechnology Biochemistry, vol. 77 (4), pp. 714 – 721
Patocka et al. 2020, “Malus domestica: A Review on Nutritional Features,Chemical Composition, Traditional and Medicinal Value”, Plants, vol. 9 (1408), pp. 1-19

Green Apple (Malus slyesterus) Extract Powder
- High in antioxidants
- Immune Boosting
- Support collagen production
- Support dental health (particularly healing and circulation)
- Improve Digestion